

    Ram Dayal Chandel

    Ram Dayal Chandel



    ” Something one finds difficult doesn’t mean One shouldn’t try, It means one should try harder.”
    The aim of education is not to built mechanical robots but to impart all the human aspects and nourish them in a child , to make them the able to sense this beautiful world in all aspects. Kendriya
    Vidyalaya Sangathan is one of those educational organisations which are having a mission to fulfill this aim. There has been a concious attempt to provide ‘ Learning Without Burden ‘.
    Kendriya Vidyalaya ratlam is serves as a chronicle of achievements of the students as well as teachers. It presents a glimpse of the heights reached by our children in various field like co-curricular activities ,scouts and guides movement, science and social science exhibitions, student council , sports and games at various levels, National Adolescence Educational Programmes , maths olympiod and integrityclub activities etc. The achievement of vidyalaya are not a days’ work but it entreated the devotion and hardwork of staff members, their support and steady efforts made it possible.
    ” A human being is not attaining his full heights until he is educated.
    A liberal education is at the heart of a civil society, and at the heart of
    A liberal education is the act of teaching. “